Sunday, January 20, 2019

Dhoom machale

Well it's officially 2019. It's so ripe with opportunity and alive with hope. As usual, I tried my best to complete everything I had started. In my mind it helps me to move on to bigger and better things. It's called closure.

There was a time when I actually had closure. But that was before 2007.

In 2007 I did a show and it was the worst experience of my theatrical life. And that experience permeated every aspect of my life. As hard as I tired I just couldn't shake it. It was a ghost with unfinished business haunting me.

I had forgiven the people who had created the toxic environment. I was removed from situation. I stopeed talking about it and ignored those who wanted to perpetuate the circumstances through spreading gossip about it. I thought I had done everything. But I hadn't.

Then I relaized what it was.

After the contract had ended, the majority of the cast was on the same flight home. I sat next to a girl who I had become friends with. During the flight, we watched a movie on her laptop. Unfortunately the movie was longer than the flight. So I didn't get to finish it.

The movie is called Dhoom 2. It's a sequel to a Bollywood film. What I saw of it I loved. I wanted to see the ending. It had everything I love all rolled into one movie: singing, dancing, romance, intrigue, and beautiful people. Here's the opening credits:

Dhoom 2

My friend and I quickly lost touch afterwards. That kind of thing happens all the time. With every contract comes an entire cast of new friends. You rehearse together, hang out together and form instant bonds based on your common goal: perfomring the show. Then when you return to life, you can fall out of touch with a good many of those people.

Anyway, I couldn't ask my "friend" to finish the movie. So I searched everywhere. I even went to specialty video stores. I could not find it. After awhile I would forget about it. Then something would happenand that would make me think of the movie, and the search would begin again.

For some reason about three days ago the movie ran across my mind. I began the search yet again. This time I found. I rented it on iTunes and watched the entire movie again. I mean it's been 11 years, I  had no idea where I had left off.

I loved every minute of it. When it finished there was such a weight lifted off of my shoulders. Eleven years is a long time to be waiting for closure. But closure is what I got. Complete and cathartic.

The chorus from the opening credits,"Dhoom machale", means to create an uproar, a celebration. And that is just what I did.

There are times when you have no idea what has a hold on you, what's stopping your journey and stifling your creativity. January, in my opinion, is a transition month. Take a moment and figure out if you have any lose ends, dangling participles, unfinished business. Then finish it and get ready to move on with your life.

"...And see your wildest dreams, slowly come alive."