Thursday, June 8, 2017

Watch the juice begin to flow

So it's about this time of year where I run out of things to write about, or rather run out of time to work on things to write about. And so that means indexing time!

 I've made an index of all of the past blog posts. Each post has it's own link (the black lettering). And to make it easier to reference, each of those links has a little caption that sums up what the post is about.

Since some people didn't realize that every post is different, this is the perfect opportunity to go back and read the posts that may have been missed. Or, if you kept up to date, re-read ones you found interesting or could help answer whatever question(s) that have come up recently.

All you gotta do is...

"...push da button, push da button!"

Now I know... introduction

...Equity or non-Equity

...knowing your product

...the actor and the internet

...professional integrity

...creative casting

...dressing for auditions for auditions

...follow up to music for auditions

...paying your dues


...impressing casting people

...performer etiquette

...personal alliances and time limits

...headshots choices

Tomorrow morning you'll wake up with the white noise
...why TV is strangling your career

You're no exception to the rule
...everyone has an opinion and advice

These are little known facts that now you know
...what you should learn at school and everyday of your life

Shot her lover down. Madam
...forgotten social nuances of business

I'll boost you up yours
...working together to create

Ice ice baby
...the true key to acting

Wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind
...leave it all behind

Running like an engine that's just been freshly oiled
...let it all go

He'd come'n tell me everything's alright
...finding people who inspire you

When beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drum
...working with sheet music and accompanists

If you want your sun to shine
...realizing what you bring to the table

No more curses you cant undo with agents

Every love affair went wrong
...reinvention and relevance

The world in which you dwells no paradise
...dealing with emotional aspect of social media

Threat of hell
...importance of doing homework

You will get what you are due

Logs on fire
...if you want it work for it

I feel the snow I feel the cold

I think I'd better think it out again
...the high cost of pay to play

A very strange reaction
...warming up

Another chance to disapprove another
...actual love and support

In rich mans world much does acting cost

Whose head is crowned with flames
...the ten commandments of theatre

Slinging hash feeling so rejected

Without a song or dance what are we
...why art is important

There's a lot I am not certain of
...surviving the holidays

I'm gonna get there at any price
...knowing what you need

It's waste of time there's no use trying
...putting you to work for you

history is happening in manhattan
...showing up regardless

I got one less problem
...finding your tribe

I fortunately know a little magic
...getting seen at auditions

Up steep and very narrow
...professional etiquette

Don't single me out then forget me
...taking care of the insides

Fight and sing fortissimo
...finding the fortitude

More than you could ever know
...importance of planning

So I've got nothing to share
...the reason for art

Shuffle off to buffalo
...carrying what you need

Helene is slut Anatole is hot Natasha is young